Myopia Control in Pickering

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Providing Children with Clearer Vision

Myopia is the clinical term for nearsightedness, a refractive error that causes distant objects to appear blurry while nearby objects remain clear.

This refractive error generally first appears in school-aged children and can continue to progress as their eyes grow, stabilizing around age 20. Myopia occurs when the eyes grow too long, or the cornea becomes too steep, interfering with the eye’s ability to focus light on the retina.

Nearly 30% of Canadians have myopia, making it the most common refractive error in Canada. Because there are risks associated with high myopia, there’s particular interest in controlling the condition. Studies show that several methods are effective in preventing myopia progression in children.

What Causes Myopia?

Myopia generally develops in children as their eyes continuously grow and change. Eyesight usually stabilizes around age 20, when the eyes stop growing. But why do some people’s eyes grow too long and develop myopia? What causes this in the first place?

Myopia progression is complex and multifaceted. It’s generally agreed that genetic predisposition, environmental factors, increased near work, and less time spent outdoors contribute to myopia’s development in children. When these factors act together, the risk increases.


Bifocal and multifocal eyeglass lenses are designed to reduce accommodative effort, the effort it takes to focus on nearby objects over long periods of time. This accommodative effort may be associated with uncoordinated eye growth.

Also known as corneal refractive therapy, orthokeratology (Ortho-k) are specialized contact lenses designed to be worn overnight. They apply gentle pressure on the cornea, temporarily moulding its outer layers to correct refractive errors.

These lenses are then removed in the morning, providing patients with clear vision throughout the day without the need for glasses or traditional contact lenses. Ortho-k lenses are especially useful for those who enjoy swimming, sports, or other activities that may make eyewear unsafe or uncomfortable.

Ortho-k is also a proven effective method of reducing, and sometimes halting, myopia progression.

Atropine eye drops and ointments have been found to be effective forms of reducing myopia progression.

Atropine is applied to the eyes once a day and used for as long as myopia progression continues. It’s sometimes used in conjunction with bifocal eyeglasses.

How Is Myopia Diagnosed?

Myopia can be easily diagnosed during a comprehensive children’s eye exam.

Children with uncorrected vision problems can suffer from developmental delays and lifelong disadvantages, making regular eye exams the best way to ensure their eyes won’t hold them back.

Because your child’s eyes are continually changing, they may not even realize they have a vision problem. They may simply believe they see the world as everyone else does, but you can help identify a vision problem by watching for some telltale signs. Does your child:

  • Frequently rub their eyes?
  • Blink more than normal?
  • React strongly to light?
  • Have frequent headaches?
  • Squint when looking at things?
  • Turn or tilt their head?
  • Cover or close one eye?
  • Have poor posture when reading or writing?
  • Hold things too closely to read?
  • Avoid close-up work or visually demanding tasks?
  • Have trouble copying?
  • Have trouble recognizing letters or numbers?
  • Reverse letters or numbers when writing?
  • Repeat or skip lines when reading?
  • Have trouble with spelling?
  • Take more time to complete schoolwork?
  • Work hard but fail to keep up with their peers?

Book Your Child for a Comprehensive Eye Exam

Many people successfully manage their myopia with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or vision correction surgery. But myopia can increase your risk for glaucoma, cataracts, retinal damage, and other vision impairments.

Routine eye exams will ensure your child’s eyes are well taken care of throughout their developmental years, and myopia control can help their eyes remain as clear as possible into adulthood. Please book your child for an appointment to see how they may benefit from myopia control.

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Where to Find Us

You can find us in the professional building on Kingston Road between Orchard Valley Court and Valley Farm Road. Our office is Suite 214, adjacent to the Pickering YMCA Employment and Community Services.

Our Address

1550 Kingston Road
Suite 214

Pickering, ON L1V 1C3

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9 AM6 PM
9 AM6 PM
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10 AM7 PM
9 AM5 PM
By Appointment Only

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